11:21 PM

Teacher confiscates Linux discs, says there's no such thing as free software

Blog of helios: Linux - Stop holding our kids back

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This is hysterical and yet tragic and an outrage all at the same time. A middle school teacher confiscated Linux disks from a student and wrote a letter to the nonprofit group that supplied the kid with his laptop and OS. The charity gives laptops to kids that would never otherwise be able to get one. They give put Linux on the machines because it's free and better than Windows. This teacher actually wrote an angry letter to the nonprofit yelling at them for not giving the kids Windows and says she's going to press charges against him for distributing free software.

I was laughing hysterically at how stupid she was and how perfectly she epitomizes the ignorant Windows "lover". She actually says there's no such thing as free software and that if they put an older version of Windows on the laptops, that's the only way they'd be useable.

I love this line, "I along with many others tried Linux during college and I assure you, the claims you make are grossly over stated." She sounds like she's talking about drugs.

Click the link above to read her email and nonprofit's response. Funny stuff.

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